
Monday, April 25, 2011

The Luxembourg Challenge

Bronwyn's friends Cornelle, Marc, Fenn and Nala are Luxembourgers. Both Cornelle and Marc work in early childhood ... and follow our blog. It was from the blog that Cornelle issued a challenge. "You are always putting things in different languages on the blog, now we challenge you to learn a song in Luxembourger and post it on the blog." A CD duly arrived ... and the practice began. Oh dear! It was SO much harder than anticipated! Even our families from Germany and Holland were challenged. However, we persisted. Thanks to Caitlyn's Mum for her help. Here is our effort.

Shifting the pole

Cricket is a team effort

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Farewell Kerry

We have been through so much together at Botany Downs Kindergarten. Thanks for being par of that journey. All the best for the future.