Over the past three weeks we have lived the story of Lauren's chook Snow White. Snow White came into their kitchen, hopped up on their bench and laid her eggs. A nest was duly made to accommodate the new residents. Snow White was happy to be taken outside for regular toilet breaks. Just when they were about to give up any hope of chickens hatching out popped this beautiful chicken. Lauren tells us they haven't named it yet. What a beautiful chicken! We felt so lucky to be able to see it up close and to be able to pat it. We hope 'no name yet' chicken will be able to come and see us again. No sooner had Lauren's Mum got home again than she rang us to tell us that on the way home from kindergarten another chick had hatched. How cool is that!
How exciting to see Lauren's baby chicken on the mat, and to have a visit from Az's possum, and the guinea pigs, the worms and don't forget Sausage the sausage dog! Looks like you are heading down the path of an animal show! Can't wait to see what's next.