Monday, November 30, 2009
Max's story writing

This is another fabulous story by Max. Thank you for publishing it with Kerry and sharing it with the class. We always enjoy your fabulous imagination. You cannot imagine our delight when you arrived at kindergarten after the weekend with a new book in hand, "Powerman saves Kerry and Botany Downs Kindergarten." The story was complete with photographs, with your brother and your Dad playing leading roles. Max, how lucky that your parents recognise and celebrate your literacy skills. And even better, we get to share more of your published works.
I got a breakdown

Throughout the afternoon Micah told me that he had a breakdown, however his actions didn't appear to support that statement. I continued to spend time with Micah observing his action on the bike. Over and over again he would ride the bike past, put the brake on, come to a screeching halt and tell me 'I got a breakdown.' It wasn't until very late in the afternoon that he did in fact have the brake down. English can be such a confusing language sometimes!
I'm a real player
The sidecar
Preparing for our visit to the Sky Tower
Cupcake cones

The morning children continue their fascination with making cupcakes at the playdough. Jennie, our student took this momentum of interest and introduced a product we had never seen ... cone cupcakes. The children were able to create and stir their own mixture to create their very own cupcake cones. They look as though they are enjoying them, don't they!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
A study in concentration
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Dear Steve
What a delight!

Over the past three weeks we have lived the story of Lauren's chook Snow White. Snow White came into their kitchen, hopped up on their bench and laid her eggs. A nest was duly made to accommodate the new residents. Snow White was happy to be taken outside for regular toilet breaks. Just when they were about to give up any hope of chickens hatching out popped this beautiful chicken. Lauren tells us they haven't named it yet. What a beautiful chicken! We felt so lucky to be able to see it up close and to be able to pat it. We hope 'no name yet' chicken will be able to come and see us again. No sooner had Lauren's Mum got home again than she rang us to tell us that on the way home from kindergarten another chick had hatched. How cool is that!
Possum Bourne pays a visit

Friday was Az's first day at our kindergarten. As we welcomed him we found out that his Dad had rescued and raised a baby possum ... called Possum Bourne. What a quiet possum Possum was. It was hard to believe that they can be so devastating to our native forests. This was such a special experience because we never get to see possums up close and personal. Thanks Az.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Mr Potato Man
Finding a way

Friday was Chase's turn to organise group time. He chose to sing 4 hugs a day from 10 Carrot Diamond. He also wanted to play hide and seek. I wondered if that was a good big group time activity. Using our possibility thinking to toss around ideas we finally came up with the idea of using the children's photos we could cover them up with a sheet, take one away and the children could guess who was missing. What a great what to play hide and seek.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Feeding the worms

Gryffyn has shown a fascination with our worm farm. Today he couldn't wait to take the morning tea fruit scraps down to feed the worms. With enthusiasm Gryffyn tipped the scraps in. Then he became concerned. "How come there are no worms in here." he asked. I looked, and indeed there were no worms visible. Very carefully Gryffyn took a stick and lifted the fruit scraps ... and there were the worms ... "hundreds and hundreds of them"
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