Conversations this term have naturally turned to the devastating tsunami in the South Pacific that devastated many villages. When we asked the children about the tsunami
Natasha said ... All their things got washed away cause of the flood and all the sea got up. The people got washed away. Their things got washed away too. we're going to pay them some money.
Logan said ... The Samoan people, they died and they were squashed. The earthquake caused the tsunami and it got bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. The waves came on Samoa and they got killed. we have to collect some money for them.
Ben said ... They got dead cause the rocks were starting to move and the waves got bigger and bigger and bigger and the toys got washed away.
Zak said ... The people didn't have a bed because the water came and flushed it away because there was a big flood - a tsunami. The rocks was underneath the water and made waves then they didn't have a house. It broke. The tsunami did it.
Jayden said ... There was a big flood because the earth made a big thing. the rocks shaked. Some people died. They will need some new stuff.
Mia I said ... All the toys and the houses and the tables floated away because of the water from all of the sea.
Madison said ... That it was at the beach. The big thing under the water and it made a big wave. Mia's grandad missed the tsunami because he was in Auckland.
Alex said ... it's a big storm where all the water comes into the beach and it makes waves that float away the peoples houses.
Gypsy said ... The people died cause the waves came.
Jemma said ... A big wave. The rocks went under.
Ruby said ... A big wave. Because the volcano erupted and all the houses and the beds were washed away so we send them some money.
Ryan L said ... There's a really big tsunami. The tsunami. The tsunami makes a big big wave then the wave comes all the way up to the beach. It washes houses away.
Chase said ... A big wave comes up because a volcano makes the waves get bigger. All the houses and beds get washed down.
Mason said ... The water shaked up and a big wave came and washed all the houses away and all the beds and all the tables and all the chairs and all the toys and some people died. It went right up to the ocean, right up the beach.
Elsa said ... It was a flood and you die and you get flushed away. The wave got bigger and bigger x 2 and then it stopped.
Calan said ... It got a giant wave. It just came.
Nathan P said ... It changes houses. They got lost in the water. It blows up under the water because there's an alarm in it and the alarm had a battery in it. When the wave came it killed everyone.
Mackenzee said ... It's a big wave and it turns into a flood and all the people gets washed away and then all their houses get washed away to another island.
Marshall said ... A flood. The water went in because a big flood came.
Mia and Josh shared that their great grandfather was Samoan. How smart you both look in your Samoan clothes.
Over the next few days we will joining the Auckland Kindergarten Association initiative by collecting coins on our 'caring hearts' to give to victims of the Tsunami.
Great to see BDK showing such a caring attitude towards the needs of others.....every bit helps I'm sure!