Over the past few days the children have been drawing their ideas for Katieʻs future on the Mimio.
Elsa thought that Katie needed a cat, a cat called marshmallow.
Riley thought that Katie needed a dog.
Alex thought that a friend called John would be cool.
Stefanie thought that Katie needed a teddy bear.
Madison thought that she needed a friend to go swimming with.
Jessica thought that Katie needed a friend to dance to her music.
Mia thought that she needed a friend called Sarah to play the piano in her band.
Natalie thought she needed a friend to play on the swings with.
Jayden thought that an elephant called Jemma would be good.
Ben thought that Katie needed some friends to go walking with
Clearly in Katie's future, she is not alone, she will have a friend. Someone to hang out with, perhaps swim, dance, play the piano, play on the swings or go walking with. Are we talking boy friend or girl friend I wonder? But seriously Katie, we must sort that hair out first girl!!