One upon a time Santa got stuck in the chimney. He just went with his reindeers and he got stuck in the chimney. It was the reindeers fault! Santa climbed all the way up and then he began to shout, "you boys and girls wonʻt get any toys until you pull me out." The boys and girls, they helped him. They just limbed up the ladder. Santa was afraid of the ladder. He just dont know how to pull himself up. Then he wasnʻt afraid anymore and he climbed down. Then he went on his sleigh to his place. Itʻs where the polar bears live. All of his servants live there too. He has lots of servants. They are busy. They make the presents and then they give them to Santa. Heʻs the Sir, eh? Santa works. he writes something to the people whether they been naughty or good. He goes in the sleigh. He needs dollars to buy stuff. He gets his dollars from the airport. He needs to work hard at the airport. He needs to go to every island. He sleeps in his bedroom. Itʻs not full of toys. He wears bed clothes, not his Santa suit. He wears glasses when he wants to read a story and he has a beard.
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