It's amazing what a wonderful time can be had with the simplest resources. Today Lily, Grace and Mya were interested in the shredded paper I had out in the clam shell. When I suggested they climb into the clam shell there was no asking them twice!! They soon covered themselves with paper and with a little help from me (Kerry) were covered from head to toe. It looked so interesting when they wriggled and then popped up - It was as if some creatures were hatching out of eggs in a giant nest! What a surprise (and a relief) it was when the girls popped up! Mathew, Connor and Callum saw what was happening and were keen to have a turn. What a wonderful, joyful experience!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Setting the benchmark
Promoting greyhound adoption

They say it is not what you know, but who you know ... and that was certainly the case in this instance. Sinead used to come to Botany Downs Kindergarten many years ago. Sinead (and her Mum Heather) LOVE animals and from time to time they bring their animals in to visit. We learnt that greyhounds are quite soppy dogs. We learnt that they don't need lots of exercise. They run in short fast bursts, then they like to sleep (a bit like cats). 600 greyhounds enter the racing industry each year. Not all make it. Last year 100 greyhounds were adopted out to new homes. Don't ask what happens to the rest!! That is why there is a programme called 'adopt a greyhound'.
Thanks Sinead and Heather
A new twist on musical chairs

Many times through this blog we have celebrated children making up their own games. However, when I was drawn to this game I had some decisions to make. Earlier in the week Helen had played a game of musical chairs with the children ... and here were a group of children on top of a table outside playing their own game of musical chairs. A number of issues arise here. It is not culturally appropriate to be be standing on the table ... and it probably isn't the safest option in the kindergarten. However, their imagination and their commitment to the game was to be commended. Children never fail to amaze me. I discovered that they were trying very hard to keep themselves safe, and what a lot of learning that aspect brought to the game. But, as we don't stand on tables we discussed where else we could play this game ... but we all knew that those options would not be quite as exciting!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Thomas finds the hidden tracks.

Over the past week Josh has been working on his own movie. He wrote the script, organised the props and narrated the story. On Friday he uploaded his movie to Youtube. Check it out.
Click here to see it on Youtube
Logan is the cover boy
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Watching Ashton's dad base jump

We have discovered that Ashton's dad is a base jumper ... and that he has a clip on Youtube. We just had to have a look.
Would you like to have a look too?
Click here to see it on youtube
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Creative Kaylee
Monday, August 16, 2010
There is nothing like a log of wood for a prop
Thanks for sharing
Making decisions together
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Thoughtful moments
Monday, August 2, 2010
The new craze
Olivia, Rocky, Nathan and Matthew have started this craze at kindergarten. Check it out.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Team Logan

Our team Logan Tee Shirts have arrived. We have 34 parents competing in The Auckland Marathon to support Logan's family and to raise awareness of the seriousness of ASTHMA.
Some of the children have shirts as well. Lauren was so proud to be wearing hers and sharing it for news. Lauren took the opportunity to remind us that she had been going to marry Logan.
If you would like to make a donation to this worthy cause ... see the details to the right of this blog. All contributions are exciting for the team to receive.
Youtube Night
Our assembly items at Botany Downs School

This year we have developed a close relationship with Room 9 at Botany Downs School building from reciprocal visits to weekly skyping. This week it was Room 9's turn to take school assembly. Miss Cotman asked us if we would like to join them in presenting items for assembly. Together we chose the items. We chose some of our Maori songs that we have developed with Kaea's Mum's support. On Thursday we had a rehearsal via skpye. Room 9's school buddy class, Room 14, joined us on skype. This is the first time we have had a three way skype ... but it was great. Thanks for being our buddies.
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