It was time for Mia to stay at kindergarten on her own for the first time today and although she was a little anxious to start with we managed to ease her nerves quite quickly when we found out she really likes to dance and knows all the actions to the new
Pussycat Dolls song 'Jai Ho'. I shared that I had just been to the concert and that everyone was doing the dance moves but that I hadn't quite learnt them. I suggested that we download the song from itunes and that maybe she could teach me the moves. Mia was quite excited about this and said goodbye to mum with ease knowing that we had an exciting plan ahead of us for the afternoon. As soon as I put the song on the stereo Mia began to sing all the words and confidently did the dance moves as well. I was very impressed with Mia's recollection of the dance moves and did my best to copy and keep up with her. A number of other children also joined in and watched closely learning the moves also. I used to go to Hip Hop classes before I was pregnant Mia so I fully appreciate your love of music and desire to dance. I'm really looking forward to having a few more boogies with you at kindergarten and you'll have to make sure that you can get to our kindergarten disco in the next few weeks, they're such fun!