The children had been very excited to have Steve come to work with us. Steve started the day with a morning meeting together the children's ideas for projects. They were written down so that we could prioritise and revisit. To get a taste of the possibilities it was discussed and decided to attempt a bird house. Then it was time to draw the plans. What great ideas the children had. Next it was time to implement some of the plans. With guidance in using the tools, the children measured sawed and hammered. There wasn't time to complete the project, however there was time to have a reflective planning meeting. So many questions were asked. How would the bird get in the bird house? Did the hole need to be big or small? Why did a bird need a bird house? who are the predators of birds? What else might the birdhouse need? How busy we were documenting this flow of ideas. You'll have to watch this space to see the progress of the bird house next Tuesday.
Since writing this blog we have had a number of people asking how to contact Steve ... so we have put his contact details on our website